About Swiss Rifle
The shooting sport we enjoy at ENGC today can trace its roots to the earliest days in Switzerland, where every citizen was expected to defend the nation in time of emergency. Today, every male Swiss citizen between the ages of 20 and 42 is still issued a rifle and ammunition that they must keep at home, and they are required to requalify with that rifle in national military matches every year. The Swiss also celebrate rifle marksmanship at multiple festivals each year.
We shoot two courses at ENGC. One is the same course of fire required for the annual requalification by all Swiss male citizens, and is approved by the Swiss Shooting Federation. The other is a modified course, approved by the Swiss Canadian Mountain Range Association. We are sponsored by both of these organizations. Our members can earn beautiful qualification award medals which are presented at an annual awards dinner.
For more details on the courses of fire, allowed equipment, match procedures and schedule, please see the match program at the link above.